
Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Open letter to the President of the Justus-Liebig-State-University Giessen, Germany




Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics


The American Institute
of Stress

World Health
Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress + Heart Disease

The Unborn Child

Special Care Baby Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

Social Medical Significance

Headaches & Migraine

Harmonic Information
as a Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

MRT Music / Function



Medical Research –
Clinical Observations


Medical Music Preparations on CD


Page  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Peter Hübner – The Future of Pharmaceutics

Prof. Dr. Ilia Prigogine

Nobel Lau­re­ate for Chem­is­try and Di­rec­tor of the In­ter­na­tional In­sti­tute for Phys­ics and Chem­is­try at the Uni­ver­sity of Brus­sels
is re­garded as one of the lead­ing sci­en­tific think­ers of our mod­ern time.

In a pub­lic rec­om­men­da­tion for Peter Hübner’s ac­tiv­ity he writes:

“The in­flu­ence of mu­sic on brain ac­tiv­ity ap­pears to me a very im­por­tant prob­lem in our mod­ern so­ci­ety in which young peo­ple often ex­press predi­lec­tion for wild mu­sic such as rock mu­sic.

This could lead to in­ter­est­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions such as the in­flu­ence of mu­sic to brain waves. It is quite re­lated to stud­ies which are going on in vari­ous coun­tries on the pol­lu­tion by noise.

It may even be as Peter Hübner and oth­ers have sug­gested that mu­sic may have an im­por­tant thera­peu­tic ef­fect.

For all these rea­sons, I find the ef­forts of Peter Hübner in­ter­est­ing and worth­wile to be pro­moted.“

Mu­sic & Na­ture: What do you now see as a link be­tween your ac­tivi­ties and pro­duc­tions in the Mi­cro Mu­sic La­bo­ra­to­ries® and the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try?

Peter Hübner: Gen­er­ally speak­ing, the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try is a part of the chemi­cal in­dus­try to which I owe the abil­ity to manu­fac­ture our prod­ucts. We use mag­netic tapes and CDs as sound car­ri­ers and both are achieve­ments of the chemi­cal in­dus­try.

More im­por­tantly, the chemi­cal in­dus­try has sup­ported me gen­er­ously in my work as a com­poser and re­sear­cher by pro­vid­ing a large num­ber of ex­pen­sive tapes. Es­pe­cially the com­pa­nies AGFA, a "sub­sidi­ary" of Bayer and BASF. I re­ceived this sup­port from the heads of these com­pa­nies and why shouldn`t the re­search which I was able to carry­out with their help, be cred­ited back to them?

Firstly, I feel to­wards these in­dus­tries a natu­ral sense of grati­tude and close­ness, as they have in the past and still to­day sup­port my work – as does the com­puter in­dus­try.

Sec­ondly, if I were to work more closely with them in the fu­ture, I would an­tici­pate them be­ing the most re­lent­less, harsh­est crit­ics of my work, since they would al­ways be look­ing to­wards sci­en­tific meth­od­ol­ogy to achieve ob­jec­tiv­ity.

Thirdly, I be­lieve that phar­ma­ceu­tics will al­ways have ad­van­tages which mu­si­cal struc­tures do not have and that mu­si­cal struc­tures will al­ways have ad­van­tages which chemi­cal struc­tures do not have. And this is pre­cisely why I be­lieve in the ne­ces­sity for a work­able sym­bi­otic re­la­tion­ship.

And fourthly, once my prod­ucts are cre­ated and mu­si­cal struc­tures exist, then they can be du­pli­cated with the help of chemi­cal prod­ucts as sound car­ri­ers (mu­si­cal struc­ture car­ri­ers) just like phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts. This means: the chemi­cal in­dus­try could in prin­ci­ple take over the du­pli­ca­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion of my mu­si­cal prod­ucts – al­beit in close prox­imity to its own prod­ucts.

Mu­sic & Na­ture: So, then you will have the natu­ral heal­ers who have un­til now been on your side against you?

Peter Hübner: As I have said, based on the prin­ci­ple of thought, I am linked with the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try, in the firm be­lief of suc­cess in the area of medi­cine us­ing ob­jec­tive sci­en­tific meas­ures. And I can­not imag­ine that those work­ing in phar­ma­ceu­tics do not strive for natu­ral­ness in the same way as all natu­ral heal­ing fol­lowers.

But these re­search­ers sub­ject all their work and achieve­ments to the prin­ci­ples of ob­jec­tive sci­ence. I do not be­lieve that they would be op­posed to any natu­ral struc­tur­ing of medi­cal prepa­ra­tions, if this were to be based on ob­jec­tive sci­en­tific cri­te­ria. And in my view, even so called natu­ral medi­cine is only con­sis­tently suc­cess­ful if it is based on this ra­tional, ob­jec­tive sci­en­tific ap­proach. Es­pe­cially Pythagoras, who I refer to for my mu­si­cal work in the field of medi­cine, is rec­og­nised as be­ing the foun­der of natu­ral sci­ence and the move­ment to­wards ob­jec­tive sci­en­tific knowl­edge.

Through the ser­vices of phar­ma­ceu­tics, doc­tors have a great deal of per­sonal power and a part of their suc­cess can be at­trib­uted to phar­ma­ceu­tics. And yet, mod­ern, sci­en­tifi­cally trained medics are at ease with this situa­tion and do not suffer from a loss of per­son­al­ity or in­fe­ri­or­ity com­plexes. They are part of a large, proven, sci­ence-ori­en­tated sys­tem of medi­cal care and are just as in­dis­pen­sa­ble as "medi­cal prepa­ra­tions" and "medi­cal tech­nol­ogy".

Many heal­ers and non-medi­cal prac­ti­tio­ners have never had the chance to be­come part of a suc­cess­ful sys­tem of treat­ment. They carry on for bet­ter or worse, with­out be­ing able to draw on ma­jor ob­jec­tive wide­spread heal­ing suc­cesses and then be­come frus­trated when they don`t find the rec­og­ni­tion they want in their spe­cial­ist field.
I was in­spired and asked, not by these peo­ple, but by the field of medi­cal sci­ence and by lead­ing in­ter­na­tional spe­cial­ists, to look ob­jec­tively at the har­monic laws at play in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic and to de­velop these for mod­ern medi­cine.
And it is those very peo­ple who are in­volved in mod­ern sci­en­tific medi­cine who pro­vide the ma­jor­ity of the sup­port for this work from their own com­mit­ment and re­search.
This may also be re­lated to the fact that the pro­fes­sional group of so-called or­tho­dox prac­ti­tio­ners has more "prac­tis­ing" mu­si­cians than any other pro­fes­sional group.

More and more doc­tors are turn­ing to natu­ral meth­ods of treat­ment since with­out doubt, they have seen more harm­ful side ef­fects from phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prepa­ra­tions than their pa­tients and are re­lieved when they are not re­proached as a re­sult of these prepa­ra­tions hav­ing been pre­vi­ously pre­scribed.
Many are us­ing natu­ral heal­ing meth­ods, per­haps not ex­actly vol­un­tar­ily on ac­count of new knowl­edge, but be­cause they are made to fear that their pa­tients may go else­where. More than 80% of pa­tients to­day pre­fer to see na­tu­ro­paths. Of course, these doc­tors rec­og­nise and pay spe­cial re­gard to my Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®.

“The so called
natu­ral medi­cine
is only con­sis­tently suc­cess­ful
if it is based
on this ra­tional,
ob­jec­tive sci­en­tific ap­proach.”
Peter Hübner
How­ever, I rarely find a healer or non-medi­cal prac­ti­tio­ner with an open mind to sci­en­tific ob­jec­tiv­ity in natu­ral medi­cine.
It could be viewed that they find the de­mand for ob­jec­tive knowl­edge too taxing or even un­im­por­tant.
Many great think­ers have lik­ened mu­sic to as­tron­omy, as the strong­est ex­pres­sion of mathe­mat­ics. There was a time when mu­si­col­ogy was equated with a sci­en­tific dis­ci­pline of mathe­mat­ics. Pythagoras even ex­pres­sed the view that mu­si­col­ogy rep­re­sented the per­fect point of in­ter­sec­tion be­tween the arts and the sci­ences.

I am to­day re­lat­ing this state­ment be­yond mu­si­col­ogy to phar­ma­col­ogy; in the way that Pythagoras would have. Chem­is­try has evolved as a large, suc­cess­ful area of knowl­edge, and has reached the point of in­te­grat­ing with the har­monic. If this in­te­gra­tion were to take place, it would avoid the un­wanted side ef­fects of its prod­ucts and at the same time, achieve a gen­eral nor­mal­is­ing ef­fect.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 101 Vital Energy
Vital Energy

RRR 102 Harmony

RRR 103 Hormone & Immune System
Disorders of the
Hormone & Immune System

RRR 105 Gynecological Disorders
Gynecological Disorders

RRR 106 Sleep Disordes
Sleep Disorders

RRR 128 Concentration / Memory
Concentration / Memory

RRR 133 Headache / Migraine
Headache / Migraine

RRR 921 Courage to Face Life
Courage to Face Life

RRR 931Relaxation
RRR 932 General Stress Symptoms
General Stress Symptoms

RRR 933 Neurodermatitis / Psoriasis
Neurodermatitis / Psoriasis

RRR 940 Cardiac & Circulatory Disorders
Cardiac &
Circulatory Disorders

RRR 934 Pregnancy & Birth
Pregnancy & Birth

RRR 935 Creativity

RRR 942 Mother & Child
Mother & Child

RRR 943 Pains / Post-operative Pains
Pains / Postoperative Pains

RRR 951 Mental Distress / Fear
Mental Distress / Fear

RRR 941 Neurophysiological & Sensory Disorders
Neurophysiological &
Sensory Disorders

If you like to look at the complete programs,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparations or
if you want to download them,
please click on the CD-covers above.

If you click on the titles, it will lead you to the
scientific research.


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