
Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Open letter to the President of the Justus-Liebig-State-University Giessen, Germany




Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics


The American Institute
of Stress

World Health
Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress + Heart Disease

The Unborn Child

Special Care Baby Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

Social Medical Significance

Headaches & Migraine

Harmonic Information
as a Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

MRT Music / Function



Medical Research –
Clinical Observations


Medical Music Preparations on CD


Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul in Human Evolution

In the process of developing higher states of con­scious­ness the dif­fer­ent layers of our in­ner ex­is­tence are very gradu­ally made ac­cus­tomed to the un­fil­tered cos­mic light con­di­tions of the sun of our in­ner self. This is com­pa­ra­ble to the natu­ral pre­cau­tions against sun­burn, where our body has to pre­pare it­self very gradu­ally for the di­rect ra­dia­tion of the sun, which is felt as ag­gres­sive. But going through these dif­fer­ent fil­ter­ing sta­tions has also an­other prac­ti­cal ad­van­tage – for while trav­el­ing on this way the uni­ver­sal light of our in­ner sun of life is trans­formed by our intellect, our feeling and by our un­der­stand­ing into the qual­ity of the cos­mic, or more exact: our in­ner hu­man forces in­tel­lect, feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing re­veal to us in our in­ner uni­ver­sal light of life its cos­mic quali­ties: where in the be­gin­ning unity domi­nated, now, af­ter this, cos­mic va­ri­ety domi­nates.

Within a man with lit­tle de­vel­op­ment of con­scious­ness noth­ing uni­ver­sal of his light of life reaches his body and mostly even not his mind any more dur­ing this men­tioned proc­ess; for through the in­ade­quate natu­ral co­or­di­na­tion of his in­ner hu­man forces, the in­tel­lect, feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing ini­tially had to ex­tract so many com­po­nents from this uni­ver­sal light in the in­ter­est of a more or­derly func­tion of their own, that al­ready on the level of con­scious­ness, that is, in the field of the mind, the cos­mic was not per­cep­ti­ble any more.
That from such a situa­tion no uni­ver­sal health can be de­rived – nei­ther theo­reti­cally nor prac­ti­cally – is ob­vi­ous.

Your first ques­tion was: “What dis­turbs this stream most – that is, what do I have to ab­stain from most, so that I do not get ill?”

The an­swer is: that, what is called “stress“ nowa­days – in the most com­pre­hen­sive man­ner – dis­turbs this stream of the in­ner light of life down to the field of neu­ro­physi­ol­ogy most.
For not get­ting sick I there­fore must ab­stain from stress most.

How­ever, this is only the one side of sup­port­ing health. The more im­por­tant method emerges from your sec­ond ques­tion: “What sup­ports this stream most strongly – that is, what do I have to sup­port most, in or­der to stay healthy?

For our health it is im­pera­tive that our in­ner light of life pene­trates the dif­fer­ent layers of our inner human forces. The specific, systematic and: successful re­duc­tion of stress is the first method, to make the dif­fer­ent men­tioned layers more per­me­able from the out­side to the inside.
But with­out doubt the still more ef­fec­tive method is to in­crease the cos­mic lu­mi­nos­ity of our sun of life: its ra­dia­tion. And the an­cient prac­ti­cal plan for this is the path of medi­ta­tion, or Yoga.

Medi­ta­tion, or Yoga – medi­ta­tion is the tech­nol­ogy, or the path, and Yoga is the state of cos­mic light per­me­abil­ity, which is achieved – bring about the ac­ti­va­tion of the ra­dia­tion of our in­ner sun of life by in­ten­si­fy­ing the in­te­gra­tion of in­tel­lect, feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing.

This in­te­gra­tion also co­or­di­nates our con­scious­ness as well as our think­ing with our life breath – which lies at the basis of our breath­ing in and out as an im­mor­tal, stand­ing and at the same time mov­ing cos­mic breath. This breath is al­ready ac­tive be­fore our birth.
In the moment of co­ordi­nat­ing our men­tioned three in­ner main hu­man pow­ers in­tel­lect, feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing with our cos­mic life breath a kind of light­ning is kin­dled in the sun of our self, which spreads out to the men­tioned in­ner sphe­res down to our body us­ing the afore­men­tioned chan­nels.

Medical Music Preparations on CD